01. Which of the following amino-acid contains sulphur ?
a. Tyrosineb. Methionine
c. Lysine
d. Arginine
02. Hemoglobin contains which of the following elements ?
a. Ironb. Copper
c. Managanese
d. Aluminum
03. Mother`s milk is more useful for child because?
a. It immunizes the child against infectionb. It is easily digestible
c. It is the complete food for the child
d. All the above
04. In the sunlight , our skin builds up which of the vitamins in the body ?
a. Ab. B
c. C
d. D
05. Which of the following have maximum caloric value ?
a. Carbohydratesb. Fats
c. Proteins
d. Vitamins
06. Cyanide acts as a poison by directly affecting the
a. Brainb. Affinity of blood for oxygen
c. Cardiac and respiratory system
d. Nervous system
07. Enzymes are made from
a. Mineral acidsb. Fatty acids
c. Group of proteins
d. Carbohydrates
08. In Vasectomy , which organ is cut , a portion removed and stumps sutured ?
a. Epidermisb. Urethra
c. Spermatic cord
d. Oviducts
09. Anthrax is caused by
a. Numococci
b. Bacillus anthracis
c. None of these
d. Both
10. Natural product of sun`s transcendental energy is
a. Minerals
b. Starch
c. Vitamins
d. Salts
01. What is mean by Thrombosis many people die of this ?
a. Cardiac arrestb. Sudden death of the brain, leading to a collapse of the hearth
c. Obstruction of the artery or vein by clot of blood
d. None of these
02. Which disease is called Gingivitis ?
a. Stammeringb. Itching of feet
c. Inflammation of gums
d. Periodic bleeding from the nose
03. A vaccine is compulsorily administered some weeks before delivery in good maternity hospitals. Name the vaccine.
a. Hepatitis
b. Tetanus
c. Sabin vaccine
d. BCG
04. The I.Q of a genius person is usually rated above 140. What is your guess about the I.Q. of normal intelligent person ?
a. 75
b. 50
c. 115
d. 100
05. Reading of the snell chart is the first eye test a specialist administers to the patient in case of poor vision. What is the distance from which this chart is meant to be read ?
a. 6 metres
b. 3 metres
c. 4 metres
d. 5 metres
06. What is the main symptom of Down`s syndrome ?
a. Total loss of retentive memory
b. Stammering
c. Rickety appearance
d. Severe mental and physical retardation
07. What is the average rate of growth of pair on a normal human head ?
a. 3 inches every six months
b. 1 inch in 4-6 weeks
c. 6 inches every month
d. 2 inches in two weeks
08. Pain is the most uncomfortable situation for the human body. Name the instrument which can even measure the intensity of pain.
a. Achimeter
b. Algometer
c. Poinemeter
d. Penstetho
09. When was Penicillin discovered ?
a. 1930
b. 1929
c. 1928
d. 1927
10. What should be the average daily quantity of urine produced in a healthy person ?.
a. 2 litres
b. 1.5 litres
c. 1 litre
d. 2.5 litres
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